I know most people are saying how great 2008 was and how blessed they were this year but to be honest I say Hasta La Vista Baby! I can't wait for 2009 and to put this last year behind me. Now don't get me wrong I have been greatly blessed with a awesome family and great friends.
2008 was just a rough year, it started off with the loss of my good friend and sister in-law Lyndell. My family hit a lot of land marks this year the 1 year mark of Shawnta passing and the 5 year mark of Jared and Kevin passing. We then discovered that having children in the traditional sense was no longer an option for us. It was a little bit of a harder year then we had anticipated. In the words of my Mom "If this was a book I would tear it up and say no way, I hate this story..." I truly do feel this way at times but I also say our story is far from over. With every great story there has to be great heart ache to appreciate the happy ending.
2009 is already showing prospects as a great year! We are looking forward to Skylar (Zach's brother and one of my very best friends) coming home from his mission. Larin and Jessica's wedding, and at least two babies : ). Zach and I are truly praying and hoping to be placed with a baby in 2009 and yes I said two because someone else is already expecting??? It's killing me keeping it a secret because I'm so dang excited about this but you will all just have to wait until after the New Years Eve anoucement!
Good bye 2008 and welcome in 2009!!!
Wednesday, December 31, 2008
Friday, December 26, 2008
-Merry Christmas-
(Eating our yummy Christmas dinner)
Zach and I had a great Christmas this year! We got to go spend Christmas with my parents for the first time since we've been married. I had forgotten how much I love Christmas at my parents house. We headed out Christmas Eve and spent the night hanging out with my parents. Larin was in Rexburg this year and Shawn stayed down at his house for the night, so it was just the four of us. We had an awesome dinner of steak, lobster and BBQ ribs (Zach is an amazing cook on the grill). Zach and I then persuaded my parents to try out their wii that they bought each other for Christmas. I think we got them hooked now! It was a blast! Then we enjoyed my parents new flat screen and watched movies the rest of the night.

Dad and Ethan
Christmas morning everyone usually meets up at my parents house for a big Christmas breakfast that my Dad cooks every year but this year it was just Zach and I, but it still tasted great. Later in the afternoon Shawn and his kids were able to fight the snow and make it up to Dad and Moms, then of coarse we had to get them hooked on the wii too!! For those who know Arbon this comes as no surprise but we all got snowed in Christmas night. So we made the best of it by playing games and watching movies.
I hope everyone had a great Christmas and got to enjoy their families!
Monday, December 22, 2008
Let It Snow, Let it Snow!!
Well winter is officially here! So I woke this morning really early and got a ton of things done and I even decided I would get over to Heathers a little bit early today, well when i looked out side I saw it had snowed but when I went out to start the car I realized it snowed A LOT! I shoveled for half an hour to shovel my sidewalk and drive way out. So I ended up being late to Heathers, good thing my boss loves me huh : ). Anyways I bring the kids back to my house about an hour later and this is what I came home too.
By the time Zach got home at 5:00 it didn't even look like I shoveled. Oh well I guess it's good for me right? Actually I love the snow and it kind of makes me excited to have a white Christmas. I guess I'm spoiled because this hunk of a man usually shovels for me.

Friday, December 19, 2008
Cookie Party
Every year we have over Zach and I's families for a cookie party. We have everyone meet up at our house eat dinner (this year it was Taco soup, one of my favorites) and then caravan around the neighborhood checking out all the Christmas lights. We then come back to the house and have cookies and milk. We've done this every year we have been married and I love it! I love making tons of cookies and having everyone over. Plus it's so fun to hear the kids singing Christmas songs in the car and to hear them get all excited over the lights. Thanks everyone that was able to make it this year and can't wait to do it again next year!!
Sunday, December 14, 2008
Christmas Lights

Zach and I went to Salt Lake this weekend to see the lights on temple square. Heather, Mom, Heather's kids, Kelli (my cousin) and her daughter Morgan all met us there. It was a lot of fun and so pretty. It always makes me in the Christmas spirit to go see the temple grounds and all the lights. Zach put Hanna on his shoulders and she would try to steer him by his ears, it was so funny. It was cute because Hanna told Heather on the way back to the hotel "Mommy those lights make me happy," isn't that the sweetest thing? Of coarse when we got back to the hotel we had to go swimming, I mean that's the best part about hotels. The kids had a blast and they would jump off the side and made a big train with Zach. By the time we finished swimming and hanging out we didn't even start getting to bed until midnight.

Saturday, December 6, 2008
Jessica's Shower
It was a crazy day today. Whitney and I went shopping for Whitney some new jeans. Then we met up with Heather to get Jessica's bridal shower present then the three of us went out to eat. Whitney and I then went back to my house to start setting up for the shower. Larin and Jessica came a few hours early to get some pictures of them and their kids taken, which Morgan was not happy about so hopefully Jessica got at least one that she can use. Then of coarse Wendy, Heather and I threw Jessica a bridal shower today. It was a very busy day but a fun one, I love spending time with my family!
Moms reaction to the answer
We had a great turn out so that always makes you feel good! We about didn't fit but we made it work. We made Jessica do the bubble gum game and she was such a good sport about it, she actually did really good and I think she only had 3 pieces in the end. But I however didn't think about the fact that she has braces, and gum and braces aren't a good combo. She did great though. Then we had yummy cheese cake and of coarse opened presents. We had all the little girls come too, which I didn't think about how Jessica was supposed to explain certain "pj's" to the girls when they asked "what's that". But I think they had fun and enjoyed feeling like the big girls. They did get a little bored so they went in my room and played games. After the shower was done Shawn and Larin came back to the house with all of their boys and had some cheese cake too. It was a ton of fun and it made me even more excited to have Jessica in our family, she is so cute and a lot of fun.
Wednesday, December 3, 2008
Daisy's Bath
(Yes she really does sit like this all the time)
After we finished decorating I noticed Daisy had grease on her face, who knows how that got there so we decided, well Zach decided to bath her. For those of you who don't already know this little bit of information, Daisy HATES Zach and she HATES water so it made for a real fun combination. Zach thinks it's funny (if she still had claws he might not think it was so funny) because she meows the whole time and tries to jump out of the tub. It makes me feel bad, then when he got her out he handed her to me and she wrapped her little paws around my shoulder, it was so sad. But at least now it's done and she will smell good and be all nice and fluffy for Jessica's shower on Saturday : ).
Today we put up our Christmas decorations, well some of them. I guess I'm just lazy this year but I'm not going to put up all my decorations. I decided to keep it simple this year, so no Christmas village. Zach helped me and it took like 30 minutes tops and that includes taking pictures down and getting decorations out (like I said simple this year).
Friday, November 28, 2008
Happy Thanksgiving!
Getting an early start on dinner
Look at all that yummy food!

(our little helper for the day)

to the pumpkin and banana pies

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