Keke has taken a big brunt of it having the stomach flu twice and two different colds as well as pink eye! Kabree was lucky and skipped the stomach flu but got the cold and pink eye too! Not to mention poor Kabs asthma situation is only aggravated by colds and we are still waiting for her to be health (no fever or cough) for 1 straight week before we can try her new inhaler. I have been lucky and escaped with a sinus infection, mild stomach flu and head cold. Even Cleo was sick, shaking and throwing up one day.
Cleo is always close by when Keke is sick and as you can see, it makes her sad to see her girls sick
Seriously Cleo gets anxious if Keagan sleeps over a hour
This is actually when they both had the flu the week before Christmas,
By the second round of flu
Keagan wanted to have her babies snuggle with her in Mommy's bed while she watched shows
Keagan wanted to have her babies snuggle with her in Mommy's bed while she watched shows
I LOVE that she set her baby dolls up to watch TV with her : )
The pink eye hit Keagan HARD! Her poor eye swelled almost all they way shut
This girl!!!! Even with pink eye she is a ball of energy!!!!
This picture was when her cold hit
Nothing is sweeter than a sleeping toddler, except when you know it's because they are sick :(
Cleo slept a lot too
Kabree is our trooper and even when she is sick she is a toughie, this picture is showing her minor mishap with a door when the flooring people had to take it off the hinges and set it in the hallway. Kabree was playing with Cleo and ran down the hall looking back at Cleo until the worst possible second she turned around and face slammed the door!
Poor Zach has by far got the worst of it!!! He too has caught the same cold we have all had but he was so unlucky as to also get a major knee infection. It started out Tuesday February 17th when I got home from Young Womens he said his knee kind of hurt. By Wednesday when he got home from work it was red, hot, swollen, hurt and he was pale, had fever and his lymph nodes were swollen. We took him into the Immediate Care where they said he had a major infection gave him a tetanus shot, a shot of antibiotics as well as an oral antibiotic. Thursday when we went into our regular Doctor it was swollen even more and hotter. They decided it was a major bacteria infection that would require daily IV treatments of antibiotics as well as he needed to continue his oral antibiotics. They didn't want to test the infection for fear it would push the infection into the joints. Week one Zach endured multiple blood tests, shots, oral antibiotics and daily IV treatments. The infection caused Zach a lot of pain and he wasn't able to walk very well at all. They had told Zach to elevate, do warm compresses, get lots of rest and take it easy like you would with any infections. Again the hard part was that he was fighting an INSANE bacteria infection but he was also in tremendous pain at the 1 week mark he was still rating his pain at a 10! Another thing that was scary is Zach was sweating like crazy; which he normally doesn't and means his body was working on overdrive. However, Zach only missed 1 day of work!
At the one week mark Zach was very disappointed they decided another round of oral antibiotics as well as another week of IV antibiotics. Again he was still rating his pain at a 10 and still not walking well at all. He decided that he was tired of feeling "lazy" and "useless" so he was going to push through it. I wasn't sure that was the best idea and at his next Doctors appointment his calf and toes had swollen (almost double in size) and tingled! Ironically the Doctor told Zach he was smart for pushing it the day before and what ever you do don't just sit around because that's what causes blood clots! Luckily for Zach he knew what his body needed before the Doctors and his getting up and going sooner helped keep him off of blood thinners ; ).
At the two week mark Zach was rating his pain at a 4 and all of the swelling and redness had decreased considerably! But the doctor still wanted to continue IV treatments. By day 15 Zach was rating his pain at a 2 as long as he didn't push his knee too hard. Unfortunately at this point Zach has made a record of days of treatment; prior to this 14 days was the longest anyone had ever required treatment for this condition (at this doctors office). Day 16 after his treatment they took the IV port out!!!! Zach is still taking oral antibiotics and there is still some swelling in the knee. But things are looking up! Zach was very excited to get the port out and be done (for now) with IV's. He will have to still check in with the doctor and stay on oral antibiotics until he is 100% but he is officially on the down hill slope!
At the two week mark Zach was rating his pain at a 4 and all of the swelling and redness had decreased considerably! But the doctor still wanted to continue IV treatments. By day 15 Zach was rating his pain at a 2 as long as he didn't push his knee too hard. Unfortunately at this point Zach has made a record of days of treatment; prior to this 14 days was the longest anyone had ever required treatment for this condition (at this doctors office). Day 16 after his treatment they took the IV port out!!!! Zach is still taking oral antibiotics and there is still some swelling in the knee. But things are looking up! Zach was very excited to get the port out and be done (for now) with IV's. He will have to still check in with the doctor and stay on oral antibiotics until he is 100% but he is officially on the down hill slope!
Zach's work has been great about everything very supportive, most have them have text or called him every single day he wasn't at work (the one day he missed and over the weekends). They have been great about him making up the time he is away for IV treatments. We owe a huge THANK YOU to my sister Heather who came over late at night or early morning and sat with or taken our girls during a majority of Zach's IV treatments. Also we have felt so much love and support from our family, friends and neighbors who checked in daily through texts or calls to see how Zach was doing or if we needed anything.
These pictures was in the very beginning, this was nothing at all compared to what it turned into but the swelling doubled and the redness turned almost black
We quickly discovered that books and cell phones were a must to pass the time.
The IV Therapy at the hospital is AMAZING!!! Everyone there is so nice! The nurses, the other patients, not to mention the reclining chairs and the cable TV

How the weekends were spent...he smiled for all of the pictures but this guy was going crazy
How the weekends were spent...he smiled for all of the pictures but this guy was going crazy
Just an FYI we had to laugh as we went through pictures because i seemed to only take pictures the days he was wearing the same thing lol.
It has been a very insane, stressful two months for us but we are once again reminded how lucky we are that we have each other. I wouldn't trade my awesome; sometimes sickly, little family for the world! Plus on the bright side we have met our deductible for the year ; )!
It has been a very insane, stressful two months for us but we are once again reminded how lucky we are that we have each other. I wouldn't trade my awesome; sometimes sickly, little family for the world! Plus on the bright side we have met our deductible for the year ; )!
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