My three little buddies
Kabree, Hanna and Justice

Justice is such a little love bug

Little Miss Personality

Ok so I have to confess a few things. First of all holly cow does life change when I baby comes. My house went from always being clean, tidy and laundry always being done to I'm lucky to get just one done. Also, I'm still having a very hard time wanting to leave Kabree with a babysitter and I've only left her with Zach alone once for 3 hours and I was just one street over at my friends playing Bunco. I know I'm pathetic but I just don't like leaving her. However, that night was great, I was able to dress in clothes I could be seen in public in and have adult conversation, although I must confess I talked about Kabree most of the time anyways : ), but still progress is progress no matter how small it might be. Ok my other confession is WOW two babies and a 4 year old is a little more work then I thought. I love it though and so does Kabree. Well, Kabree loves Hanna, as funny as it sounds she gets jealous of Justice. I know she seems too little for that but no joke if I'm snuggling on Justice Kabree will look at me and gets herself all worked up and mad. Heather thinks it's hilarious. Kabree is little Miss Personality lately, she rolls a hundred miles an hour to where she wants to go and it's usually to Justice to steal a binkie or rough him up a bit, yes my little girl is a bully. So I spend most of the day holding Justice in one arm while Kabree sits in my lap and Hanna holds the books and turns the pages for reading time. As bad as it sounds I have to use my toes for pre-school, I point with my big toe as I explain to Hanna what we are leaning. It seems to be working though. Hanna loves all the talking and reading time and as long as the babies are being held they are happy too. I think Hanna loves the babies nap times the best though cause that's our craft or cooking time, I think she misses the old days of just me and her sometimes : )! I guess what I'm getting at is the day's they come to play nothing else gets done. But time really does fly when they are here and Kabree loves watching Hanna and just smiles at her the whole day. So please forgive me if my house isn't as clean as it use to be, if my baking isn't as often or maybe not even as good, if I no longer answer the phone as quickly or answer texts and if my appearance is a bit lacking I guess I've discovered although some can keep it all together I'm one that has to pick and choose and I feel snuggling or talking with my baby tromps everything else hands down. I've waited too long to experience motherhood and I don't want to miss it. My sister in-law told me "you never know when the last time your child asks you to tie their shoe will be, or when the last time you will help them at bath time will be, so enjoy it while it lasts."
Never, ever apologize for being a mother first (unless its to your husband cause you really should still like him more)! I've always thought I will have years to have a delightfully clean house (like my mother-in-law's) but only a few to enjoy my children in. It's not a hard choice.
The life of a mommy! I don't know if she meant for this to be my new motto but Nelda once said to me when we were living in Arbon and Jayvin was brand spanking new screaming and crying mostly every second, "Oh your home looks...lived in!" So that’s what I say now your home has to look lived in or it is just a house.
Enjoy being a mom! It is way more fun than cleaning any day!
Cute Kiddos! I know, I'm the same way. I feel guilty if I leave him to clean or shop. So I have just decided that spending time with Maddux is more important than that stuff. Plus playing with him is a lot more fun! : )
Welcome to being a Mom. :) It is all worth it. I am so sad that I missed bunko and getting to visit with you, I hear it was a great time had by all. Good luck and don't worry about the house, when the kids are grown and gone, you will have plenty of time to clean. Ginger
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