Well Kabree started crawling last Saturday and I'm not going to lie, I love it. I think she's stinking cute doing it and I love watching everything new she does. However, within a reasonable time frame. I feel crawling at 7 1/2 months is appropriate. However, trying to escape the crib and walking 1 week later, not OK. Friday morning after I put Kabree down for her morning nap, usually lasting 2 hours, I jumped in the shower. Well at the end of my shower I hear an odd sound on the moniter and hurry and get out wrap a towel around me and peek in her room to find an awake Kabree hanging with the top 1/3 of her body leaning over the side of the crib. I of coarse run in and grab her just to see her smiling and laughing. By the way we had just lowered her crib last week, thank goodness or she really would have been out and over. We figure she used the bumpers to help get her up.

It's still pretty high for her to climb
A little later I set her in the middle of the living room and walk in the kitchen turn around and she has pulled her self up and is holding on to the piano bench walking. I think "that's pretty cute, crazy but cute". She then let's go of the bench and tries taking a step alone, I now think "what the crap are you freaking kidding me??" She falls of coarse but rolls over and grabs the box next to her, discovers it has tape on it and proceedes to stand, yanking on the tape until it of coarse gives way causing Kabree to fling backward, smack her head on the kitchen floor and scratch her face on the way down.

So I decide we are going shopping with Grandma and getting out of this house or apparently death trap for Kabree. I leave Kabree in the living room run out start the car come back inside the door to turn to my right and see my baby sticking her head through the railing (that by the way we thought would be impossible for her to fit through). Let me also mention that Kabree had to squeeze between the two couches and under the end table to get to the railing.

I guess at the end of a day like that, as my Dad ALWAYS says "I'm just so glad she is so healthy and so smart!" But then I worry cause my Mom tells me Heather was doing about the same thing at this age and she is the one who climbed out of her crib, crawled to the kitchen and climbed the drawers and cubards to get to the top of the fridge to get a graham cracker at 9 months! I'm thinking we have many adventures ahead of us with this little Miss.
I can not believe Kabree is so mobile and busy! She will keep Mom and Dad on their toes!
See, I told you! Always pray for short, fat kids. That way they're too short to reach things and too fat to climb for it! Breck was the same way and he has never quit....good luck with that!!!!
She just needs put those busy legs to use, I guess. I can't wait to see her again. She is just the cutest darn baby alive!
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