Tuesday, May 18, 2010


Zach roping

Larin telling the dogs what to do :)

Grandpa Elmer keeping the fire going

Scott keeping on top of the shots

Eric dropped Kayla off and then left so
Dad and Larin put her to work ;)

Mom roping

The two cutest cowboys of the day

Tiffany and Morgan playing shy
My family branded cows last weekend. Zach loves going, he enjoys all of it, the branding the roping everything. Lots of family comes plus a few friends. They usually get done pretty quick with all the help and then we head back to my parents for BBQ. My cousin Tiffany is a sweetheart and always lets Zach borrow her horse for the last half of the branding so he can do a little roping. Zach doesn't claim to be a cowboy at all but he is actually really good at it especially considering he has only done it at the last three brandings. I didn't get many pictures this year, but the kids had fun running around everywhere and drinking like 6 sodas each.

1 comment:

Emma said...

It looks like it was fun. I always love when our family all comes home for branding day!