Scott and Grandpa Elmer
(This is where Kabree spent most of the day)

Hanna doing the obstacle coarse

All the kids lining up for the obstacle coarse

Christy and Peaches
(Her dog is full grown and this picture does not even
show how tiny she is)

Amy and Mathias

Heather and Darrel

Jessica aka horse doctor for the day

Tyler and Jonathan

Mattie and Hanna showing off their horses

Jonathan and Makenna
Last weekend was the Jones Family Reunion. It was pouring rain but luckily we had a pavilionand were able to still enjoy the day. My mom and two aunt Lauries made stick horses for all of the kids out of swim noodles and then did an obstacle coarse for the kids. I think it was a hit and the kids loved the cute horses they got to take home. They also got to do a fishing pond where they got lots of fun toys and balloons, which of coarse the kids loved. It was great to see almost all the cousins, I feel bad because this is really all the pictures I took, I need to start taking more. But I do have to say thank you to my cousin Scott, his wife Jamie and Grandpa Elmer who took Kabree for us so we could eat lunch and visit with all the cousins. I was a little worried about the cold so she never saw the light of day, I kept her pretty bundled up and I was very lucky to have a great family who snuggled her for me so I could venture out in the rain to watch the obstacle coarse.
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