Saturday, February 14, 2009

Finally Done

We got the rest of our carpet Friday and we officially have our house back. I cannot express how relieved I am to have it all done. We have about 3 more projects (the kitchen floor and counters and the closet doors in the bedrooms) and we will have redone the whole upstairs. But we have agreed we need a couple months break before we dig in to the next project. This one about did me in. I love having new carpet and new paint but I have a very hard time not having my house in order. Now keep in mind the extra bedroom will hopefully soon be the baby's room and we will decorate with blue or pink depending on what our baby is.

Morgan aka The Cookie Monster

Larin and Jessica left the kids with us Wednesday night so they could go out for dinner. I made sugar cookies so they could decorate them. I didn't get many pictures but holly cow, Morgan turned into a cookie monster and would pile the sprinkles on, then snarf down the cookie as fast as he could. Dad and I couldn't stop laughing, I honestly think he ate 4 cookies before I cut him off.

This is what my sweet hubby came home from playing basketball with this morning. We had said we weren't going to do anything this year and then he surprised me with these. Zach always seems to know when I need flowers; they are the one thing that always makes me smile.


Miss Jana said...

I swear I left comments before, but I guess I didn't. Your house looks great! I really like the bee board (I'm not sure if that is the right word) in your spare room. It will be a super cute nursery.

The Braggs said...

Wow, your house looks great. I haven't ever seen your house before so it looks good to me now and im sure it looked good before. You are such a fun crafty girl and you are awesome with little kids. Can't wait to see you guys sometime soon. Bekah

Trevor and Dayna said...

It looks really good. I hate home improvement also. We have been working on our bathroom for like a month now and everything keeps going wrong for us. Soooo frustrating. So when you say your baby's room? Are you getting a baby?