Wednesday, August 23, 2017

Eclipse 2017

  Matt and Heather hosted an Eclipse party.  We set up the lawn chairs and had a BBQ.  It was amazing to watch!  Keagan LOVED it, she was so nervous about it the night before (she was scared it was going to burn her eyes, we watched a youtube video for kids that was way too intense about eye safety) so when she got to Heathers and was excited and loving it we were so happy!  Seriously our kids LOVED it!  After the eclipse we decided to make a day of it and head over to Geronimo's and the Soda Barn.  It was the perfect way to end the summer!

 Whitney and Jordan
Justice, Heather, Jessi, Hanna, Keagan and Kabree

 Cayleb, Addie and Jordan
 Whitney and Addie
The whole crew
(except Chase who took the picture and Libby and her friend literally got there the last minute;) 

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