After a yummy dinner with Grandpa and Grandma and Shawn's family, Kabree played her Christmas recital song on the piano for everyone and Keagan showed everyone her Christmas recital dance. Then Grandma told the Nativity story and we ended with Silent Night. Then it was time for more wild games! My girls LOVE spending Christmas Eve in Arbon because of this!!! Grandpa and Grandma got into the games too and we were all laughing and exhausted by 9 p.m. The plastic wrap game was hilarious and I did not get the best pictures because it was so intense haha. Eric and Ethan are way more competitive than I realized! Eric killed it in the candy cane pick up game, Grandma and I tried a different approach, that proved to be unsuccessful haha. Grandpa and Grandma by far dominated the reindeer game, poor Shay was with me so she didn't have a chance. We ended with Keagan's favorite Christmas game "Don't Eat Rudolph".
Then it was time to set out the cookies for Santa and watch a Christmas movie. About 4 a.m. Kabree woke up and said "Mom, I hear something...I think it's Santa" and you know what I heard it too and we even saw him make a dash down the hall ;)!!! Kabree quickly went back to sleep but I was up for the day! Even though I was exhausted I sure love late night talks with my Dad ;).
Ethan joined us later
Is it Shawn or cousin Eddy?
Christmas Eve dinner
The Nativity story
Christmas pj's
Game time
Eric killed at this game
Mom & I had a different approach...
Grandpa Vance and Grandma JoAnn killed in this game, they won hands down.
Kabree tricked Eric in this game and was so proud of herself. He looked at her to see if she would give any signs and she looked at him and shook her head to not eat a certain one so he moved to the next one which was "it" so he was out of the game, she couldn't stop laughing.
My favorite Christmas tradition, my Mom paints the mirrors
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