Friday, December 23, 2016

Baking Cookies

  Our girls are so lucky to have so many amazing, wonderful people that love them.  My girls have more Grandparents than most and they are all such a blessing in our lives!  We have Zach and I's parents, their "adoptive" Grandparents (Grandma Jane and Grandma Diane) and their biological Grandparents.  The girls feel loved by each and every single one and love all of them to pieces!!!  We got to spend a few hours with Grandma Cindi and Grandpa Mark.  They got spoiled rotten from the time we walked in the door. The girls loved seeing their house and playing with their toys.  They were pretty excited that Grandma Cindi let them show her how they make their favorite (and only kind Kabree will eat) pizza.  Grandma Cindi sewed them each aprons to wear while they baked and decorated cookies.  Keagan was in absolute heaven the whole time!  Then they got to open their gift from them, an American Girl doll Retro Dinner!!! Needless to say they girls played with that the rest of the time we were there!
 Seriously, are those not the cutest aprons you have ever seen!?!

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