Monday, November 12, 2012

Keagan's 7 Month's


    Wow has time flown by fast this last month.  Keagan is the big 7 months today and getting so big!  She still gets so many complements on her beautiful complexion and her tons of dark hair.  She is pretty good about piggies and hair bows but no way will she allow head bands, the second  you put them on her she is yanking them right off : ).  Keagan loves to sit up and play and even scoots on her bum to get around the room.  No crawling or teeth yet but they don't seem too far off.  Kegan loves her rice baby cereal and vegetables, fruit not so much right now but she does loves taste of Mommy and Daddy's food.  Keagan is very much a morning person and that's when she is the happiest, she laughs, coo's and jumps around all over the place.  Keagan is a very happy girl and likes most people but she definitely LOVES her big sister Kabree.  Keagan lights up the second she see's Kabree and starts kicking and squealing.  We still aren't sleeping at night, she goes to bed at 8 pm wakes up 3 times to eat and is up for the day between 6-6:30, that darn time change kind of messed us up.  Keagan is a very curious little girl and is wanting to touch and see everything!  It is so much fun to experience things for the first time through Keagan's eyes.  She is so much fun and we love her tons!!

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