Monday, June 3, 2024

End of The Year Fun

 Painting The A

  The 6th graders get to paint the A every year and Keagan was pretty excited to go put her school rock up among the others.

Goodbye to Mrs. De
  Mrs. De left for a trip the last 3 days of school so everyone had to say their goodbyes on Monday.


  The Bigroom did presentations on countries this year and Keagan picked India.  She got really into it and even dressed up and made an Indian sweet called Kalakand.  

Field Day

  Field day is always a fun end of the year activity for all the kids and Keagan was so relieved cheer tryouts didn't land on the same day this year.


  For the end of the year activity this year the school did swimming.  They went to a new place this year and it turned out great!  The kids had a blast!

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