I had such a great Mothers Day weekend. It was an INSANE week for both Zach and I and a good weekend is just what the Doctor ordered. After school on Friday the girls and I drove to Arbon for a quick visit; we actually were planning on spending the night but Zach got off work by 8 and we hadn't seen him all week so we hurried home to see him. Heather and I spent Saturday with our Mom at the soccer field, running errands together and The Mandarin House. Zach and I ended the night watching movies. Thanks to two very cute girls my Sunday was perfect! I woke up to the cutest cards and pictures and Kabree had made me a owl necklace! She was so proud and I LOVE it! Then I was surprised with the breakfast of champions by Zach, Pop tarts, Vanilla Pepsi, and Florence's Chocolates! Then we came home to Totino's Pizza for lunch and peanut butter and jelly sandwiches for dinner. Seriously I love my little family and words could never express how I feel about them! They drive me crazy and make me looney but I love them to the moon and back and wouldn't trade my life for anything!!!

I can't forget my fur baby!
When I was sick a couple weeks ago this baby laid her head by me the entire time,
the bed, the couch, she loves her snuggles!
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