Tuesday, June 3, 2014

Tautphaus Park Zoo

JoAnn, Heather, Keagan, Justice, Hanna and Kabree 
Jessi and Grandma switched for a pic 
These 3 silly kiddos thought they needed to ride instead of walk! 
Grandma of coarse had to get a penny stamped 
They loved watching the Monkeys! 

We LOVED the Otters and could have watched them all day 

Justice thought this "HUGE" Tortoise was pretty cool 

Kabree checking out her "wingspan" 
Grandma JoAnn and Heather taking a turn 
 The Lions

The new baby zebra was only 4 days old! 
 The Tiger liked pacing

This girls wanted to sit on the Tiger but it was super HOT! 
Checking out the goats 
Kabree thought brushing them was pretty neat! 
Feeding the animals
Grandma and Keagan didn't like getting their hands dirty
Keagan thought the pig was pretty amazing!

    Grandma JoAnn always invites us to come along for her Doctors appointment in Idaho Falls, so that we can enjoy a day with her and enjoy a day in Idaho Falls!  This round Heather got to join in the fun too!  We decided that a lunch of McDonalds Happy meals at the park and an afternoon at Tautphaus Park Zoo were in order!  It was a beautiful warm day with a nice breeze!  The kids had a blast and so did us adults!  The big kids thought it was pretty great that Heather got a wagon for them to hop in and out of as we went.  They loved every single animal and each one was their favorite!  We really lucked out because all of the animals were out and active!  We got to groom goats and even feed an Alpaca!  We couldn't have asked for a better day!  Thanks Grandma JoAnn for inviting us and for a great, fun filled day!

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