Wednesday, September 12, 2012

Keagan's 5 Months

 Happy Girl!

Love those big brown eyes!

    Keagan is the big 5 months today!  Time is seriously flying like crazy!  This little miss is eating rice baby cereal; that's all for now, and loving it!  The second you set her down she is rolling over onto her tummy and kicking like crazy.  When you hold her she kicks like crazy too.  We drool a lot as of late so we are thinking some teeth might be coming soon.  Keagan is a very happy little girl and smiles all the time showing off those cute little dimples of hers.  We still have almost all of our hair, just a bit thinner in back : ).  She still loves bath time and starts to get fussy when it comes to that time of night, then the second she hears the tub she starts kicking her little feet and cooing.  She loves to coo and laugh...even at 3 a.m. much to her parents dismay.  That's right, still not a great sleeper but she's so happy during the day we will keep her.  Life is pretty great with our little Keagers in it, we love you Keagan!

1 comment:

Holli Williams said...

Can she get any cuter? I just don't think it's possible!