Tuesday, December 27, 2011

Christmas 2011

 Santa came!
 He ate the milk and cookies and left a note
 Kabree reading Santa's note
 What Santa left Kabree
 Kabree immediately started taking pictures 
 Kabree finally realized she got a combine too
 Checking out the auger
 Taking the new combine for a spin
 Showing Grandpa how to use her new camera
 Looking in her new mirror
 Doing a little happy dance

 Zach checking out his loot
 Opening presents
 Kabree reading her new horse book
 Kabree getting the right angle
 I guess Jessi and Vance both thought Zach would like the hat
 Playing with the new princess story book
Kabree wearing Mommy's new boots
 Zach and Vance cooking up breakfast
 Kabree helping clean up 

    We had a great Christmas morning.  Santa found us out in Arbon and Kabree was super excited!  He ate our milk and cookies and even wrote Kabree a cute little note, after reading our note Kabree couldn't wait any longer to see what Santa left.  Kabree was so excited when she ran into the living room and saw she had gotten the camera she asked for.  She was so excited it's all she wanted to play with.  We had to keep asking her if she wanted to open her presents or look in her stocking, she would cave every little bit but as soon as she opened a present she would immediately turn and say "where's my camera, I need to take a picture".  After about half an hour of taking pictures with her camera Kabree realized she got a red combine just like Grandpa Vance's combine.  She was pretty excited to have Grandpa show her how it worked and to take it for a spin through the living room.  After Mommy opened her boots that she got for Christmas Kabree had to hurry and try them on and then started telling us "I want cowgirl boots, where's my cowboy boots?".  So Grandpa asked her would you rather Grandpa take the combine and give you the money to go buy some cowgirl boots, well they went in the other room and had a 10 minute conversation about the combine verses the boots.  Apparently they decided that we were going to sell Grandpa the combine and try to find a smaller one so that Kabree could buy herself some cowgirl boots : ).
    After presents we got to go to church with my family.  It was great to see everyone and to feel the spirit on  Christmas.  After church as always my Dad made the best breakfast of the whole year, Zach helped out with cooking all the bacon and it was super yummy.  After our breakfast (for lunch : ) Eric got to call.  Everyone was super excited for the call and it was great to hear his voice.

Christmas Night
 Kabree and Justice
Sometimes the box really is the most fun!

 Kabree and Justice and their horse Shawn

 Justice getting ready for his bull ride
 Yee Haw!
He got bucked off
 Kabree riding her bull Shawn
 Kabree helping Daddy fly his helicopter

    Christmas night Justice and Kabree were a little wound from all of the excitement of the day, they danced to Christmas music, they played in a box until it fell apart and then they discovered the funnest activity of all.....bull riding.  Uncle Shawn was on the floor so Kabree jumped on his back yelled "Yee Haw", so Justice ran and hurried and jumped on back.  After a couple rounds around the house Shawn told them he was a bull now, well Justice took it to heart, he jumped off suited up in his new cowboy gear he got for Christmas and jumped on Shawn's back.  Ok for the next hour Shawn gave bull rides, we were laughing so hard we all about peed our pants.  Justice was as dead serious as could be, when he would get bucked off he would turn around serious and say "come here bull", then he would jump on grab Shawns neck and yell "outside!".  When Shawn would pretend to chase him down he would start petting his head and saying "calm down bull, calm down."  It was hilarious and the kids loved it.
    We had a great Christmas and loved spending time with our families!

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