Friday, May 15, 2020

The End Of The Road

  We had our last week of the 2019-2020 school year.  To say we went out with a bang would be a HUGE understate!  Distant Learning had a lot of ups and downs but we are so grateful that we were blessed to be in Arbon with great teachers to help us through this crazy experience!  The girls were great and it has been so nice having Zach home with us!
  For our last week they assigned each household time slots to come down to the school for an activity.  Monday was rock paining and sidewalk chalk, Tuesday was garbage pick up (The girls loved it and were so proud of themselves and how much garbage we picked up) and Wednesday was clean out your desk, bring back chrome books, text books, ect back and pick up your scrapbooks and awards for the year. The girls were so happy to see their teachers to finish off the year!


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