Wednesday, March 27, 2019

Spring Break

   Spring break was a whirl wind of a week with cousins and even though we didn't get to enjoy the "Spring" part of Spring Break we still enjoyed the break!  The girls kicked off the Spring Break weekend with face masks and hair cuts. Justice came Sunday and the kids partied it up until Wednesday night when Heather came to pick him up.  Monday was mostly playing in the snow/mud outside and Kooper and Mattie took the kids up to the cows.  Tuesday we took Grandpa to some doctor appointments and got to enjoy some Soda Barn, a movie and Arby's.  When we got back from town Kooper was nice enough to help the kids shoot their BB guns.  Wednesday was more outside fun and forts in the basement.  Thursday and Friday were pretty chill for us girls, just cleaning, reading and Netflix.

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