Thursday, July 11, 2013

Happy 4th of July

As you can see Keagan doesn't exactly LOVE having her pics taken
Keagan watching the parade
Kabree was ready to get some candy!


    We had a great 4th of July this year, very low key but great!  We started out the day meeting Matt, Heather, Hanna, Justice, Grandma Jane and Janel and her boys at the parade.  It was a a fun parade and both girls LOVED it!  Kabree loved all the candy, frisbees and popsicles, Keagan was happy just watching all the people and the parade floats.  After the parade we made a quick stop to McDonalds and took some up to Grandpa Gary and Grandma Sally before they left for Island Park, then it was home to play in the water all afternoon.  We ended the day with a BBQ at our house and the city fireworks.  Even though the girls didn't make it to the fireworks it was still a great 4th of July!

1 comment:

Miss Jana said...

Your girls are so beautiful! I loved every picture! Also, I love the colorful clothes you picked- so fun! Hope to see you soon!