Tuesday, March 12, 2013

Keagan's 11 Months


    Well as you can see 11 month's and busy as a bee!  Keagan is a little ball of energy and curious as can be.  Getting Keagan to sit for this months pics were, well impossible so I decided to show her true self.  She is full of smiles and laughs nearly all the time.  Keagan LOVES to run like a mad woman through the house and claps and laughs as she runs.  Keagan did not waste anytime with walking she hit the ground running, she is a quick little pill and between that and her curiosity we have our hands full : ).  Keagan is still fascinated with the phone books, plants and cat food, she has gotten better about getting into them but we still have to keep our eyes on her.  She loves to play in the cupboards under the microwave, with our toy kitchen set, and in the tub even if there is no water in it she runs for the bathroom and starts banging on it jabbering.  Yes she is a jabberer : ).  Some of our favorite things about Keagan are her little laugh, or coarse her dimples, how she bites her bottom lip and how much she loves to play peek a boo.  Keagan will play peek a boo for hours if someone will play with her lol, she loves to pull a blanket over her head or duck behind the couch and then she jumps up and starts laughing.  Keagan has started going to be about 7:30 and wakes up 1 or 2 times a night to find her binki or bottle then wakes up for the day anywhere between 6:30 or 7:30 in the morning.  Naps are never consistent and are often only 20 minute power naps.  Keagan LOVES her sister Kabree and is happiest playing with her.  She is still very much a Daddy's girl!  She is very sad to see her Daddy leave and VERY excited when he comes home!  This little girl is a snuggle bug in the mornings and at night and we defiantly love that too!  We are having so much fun with Keagers and you can't help but smile and laugh with her all the time!  We Love You KeaKea!

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