Wednesday, November 9, 2011

The Things Little Miss Says

The other day we were saying bye to my aunt Laurie when Kabree smiles at Laurie and says "you kidder"

Kabree "Mom, can I watch a show?"
Mom "No, it's time for bed"
Kabree "Can I watch a show?"
Mom "No"
Kabree (in an irritated voice) "It's my right!,  It's my right! (in the sweetest voice ever)  Can I watch a show?"
Mom "No, it's time for bed let's go say our prayers"
5 minutes later while saying her prayers
"thank you for this day, keep us safe, please help us good dreams, watch a show..."

Kabree "My Grandpa workin, he drives a combine"
"My Dad workin, he drives a truck, he delivers milk."
"Grandma drives da bus"
"Uncle Darrel drives de semi"
Mom "Kabree you are so smart"
Kabree "Mom you don't work, you do nothin"

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