Kabrees surprise for Jeff
The picture is actually Kabree and Keagan
Kabree learned the letter J in preschool and at the dinner table we were talking about everyone we knew that's names started with the letter J. Zach says "Jeff" and Kabree immediatly says "we need to take Jeff treats...I know lets make him jelly cookies because his name is Jeff!". Kabree was so excited and planned the whole thing. She wanted to write him a letter, draw him a picture and surprise him with a treat. Kabree had me write the letter on a paper so she could see how to spell everything when she wrote it. She was very strict about how the whole thing was to go down. She knocked on the door and then ran and hid around the corner so she could jump out and yell surprise! Jeff was a great sport about it and made Kabree's day by putting her letter on the fridge!